Looking for a Coach?

Are you interested in improving your running but not sure how? Maybe you have a specific target in mind? Ealing Eagles is currently reviewing its formal provision of coaching people on a one-to-one basis.

We also have a qualified coach as a club sponsor - Jenny Bushell Adventures offers 1-1 coaching at a special price to Eagles of £84 per calendar month.

If you are interested in getting advice on a more informal basis, there are various ways in which you can do this. The hive mind of the club is available for consultation in the club facebook groups and also whenever you meet other club members at training sessions (endurance runs are particularly good for this because you should be aiming to run at a pace at which you can talk), races and socials. The coaching team is also aiming to offer Coaches’ corners or workshops every so often when you will have the opportunity to consult with members of the coaching team. Information about these will be advertised in facebook, in the email newsletter and on the website as appropriate.

I Want to Coach!

If you are keen to get more involved in the club and develop your skills then coaching is a brilliant way to get involved. 

Your first stop is to try your hand at volunteering. If you are looking to further your coaching experience with a formal qualification, then check out the coaching courses page.