6 Weeks to Go!

All in all a pretty good fortnight! 

Ten weeks have gone and six weeks to go! Since I last wrote I not only got to my longest distance of 18 miles....I actually went out and ran 20 miles! Still can't quite believe it but yes I have joined the twenty mile gang! 

The last couple of weeks have been good. My 18 miler went really well but I struggled badly for the last mile and a half. Laura pulled me through and we made it! Running friends are simply the best :-) 

The twenty miler therefore I was super anxious about but oddly that felt better. I wondered afterwards if it was because I went slightly slower. Again a superb running buddy helped. 

The other sessions haven't been too bad but I have found running my mid week marathon pace run hard work. This has led me to the question....WHAT DO I WANT FROM THIS MARATHON?

Do I want to run a time that I could possibly achieve but will be hard, hard work or do I want to go a bit slower ( no doubt it will still be hard work!) and it feel more achievable?

I know what I do want....to enjoy it. To enjoy running down from Blackheath, to be wowed when crossing Tower Bridge, to be smiling when I pass both my Run Mummy Run crew and the Eagles. To look around whilst running along the embankment and finally to be laughing ( or at least crying in happiness)  as I cross that finish line in the mall.

I know there are many people that read this who will be able to run super fast and do all of the above. I am just not sure if I am physically capable of being one of them ( the super fast bit being relative!) ....But on the other hand will I be disappointed to not get the time I'm possibly capable of? 

But it's my first marathon, it's my bucket list marathon, it's a guaranteed PB. 

Something I need to ponder on. Whatever happens I will run to enjoy it. 

On another note I wanted to say to anyone reading this who has thought about doing a race distance longer than they have done before and then thought nope,  I couldn't possibly do that. If I can do it you absolutely can. With training and a bit of self belief ( yep, I'm still very much working on that part!) it is totally doable. 

When I started couch to 5k in March 2013 I used to be a wheezing wreck at the end of sixty seconds. From then to now has been quite a journey, a journey with peaks and troughs guaranteed but a journey anyone is capable of if they choose to make it. 

I am so much happier for finding running. Not just for the exercise and endorphins but for the friends, the camaraderie and the sense of achievement. 

This journey is so incredible, thanks again Eagles. Simply the best :-) 

Running buddies....couldn't be doing this without them!